Paula Luengo Kanacri

I am an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and a researcher at the Center for the Study of Conflict and Social Cohesion (COES). Her research focuses on understanding how individual and contextual factors interact over time to explain positive development for children and youth. She has conducted several longitudinal and applied research projects on prosocial behaviors and civic engagement, working with schools and social organizations for more than 15 years in Italy, the United States, Colombia and Argentina. Currently, in Chile, she developed and directs the ProCiviCo project to reduce the negative interpersonal effects of social inequalities through the exercise of prosocial citizenship in school. She completed her postdoctoral work at the Parenting Among Cultures Project, PAC (National Institute of Health, USA) and her Ph.D. in Psychology at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.