Dr Conrod is registered clinical psychologist, a Full Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Addiction at University of Montreal, and researcher at the Ste -Justine Mother-Child University Hospital Centre, where she runs a research laboratory focusing on understanding, preventing and treating neurodevelopmental risk factors and consequences of substance use and misuse. Her research has helped to delineate the neuropsychological mechanisms that explain how risk translates to heavy or problematic substance misuse among vulnerable groups. Moreover, this research has led to the development of novel interventions that match the motivational basis of risk, supporting new, more personalized and targeted strategies for addiction treatment and prevention. Dr. Conrod developed screening scales and intervention material that have been translated and tested in numerous languages and contexts around the world. She helped to design the IMAGEN study which longitudinally assess a sample of 2200 adolescents from 14 years of age into adulthood on measures of brain structure, function and psychopathology. She co-leads the ENIGMA Addiction working group which aims pool data across addiction neuroimaging studies. She leads multisite randomized treatment and prevention trials (Conrod et al., 2010; 2013) and the CHUSJ Centre IMAGINE, which is a new state-of-the-art pediatric neuroimaging research facility. She also co-leads the FRQS Research Network on Suicide, Mood Disorders and Related Conditions, and the CIHR Canadian Cannabis and Psychosis Research Team. She was recently appointed as the director of a new Neuroscience and Mental Health Strategy at Universite de Montreal.