Marino Bonaiuto

Marino Bonaiuto (Sapienza Università di Roma), is Full Professor in Social Psychology and member of the Technical-Scientific Committee on Sustainability in Sapienza. He is the President-Elect of Division #4 Environmental Psychology within the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP). Formerly: Director CIRPA (Interuniversity Centre for Research in Environmental Psychology); President master in Psychology of communication and marketing; Director Dipartimento di Psicologia dei Processi di Sviluppo e Socializzazione. Member of: A.I.P. (Associazione Italiana di Psicologia, sezione di Psicologia sociale); I.A.P.S. (International Association for People-environment Studies); I.A.A.P. (International Association of Applied Psychology, Division #4 Environmental Psychology and other Divisions). Visiting Professor Université Paris Ouest (June 2010) and in other Universities abroad (EU, US, South America, Middle East, Asia); reviewer research grants funded by National and international bodies. Coordinator scientific research units in public national (PRIN of the Ministry of University and Research) or international (EU 6th e 7th FP, H2020 and Erasmus+) grants; and research projects funded by private companies; authors of over 200 publications and over 200 contributions in scientific congresses. Member National working group “Environment, Territory, Tourism”, Consiglio Nazionale Ordine Psicologi. He is motivated in contributing about the interest and relevance of the social and physical environment (both built and natural) for children optimal development (under many respects: cognitive, affective, social, behavioural, etc.).