Catherine Belzung

Catherine Belzung is Full Professor of Neurosciences at University of Tours, France. She obtained a PhD in Neurosciences at University of Strasbourg (France, former Université Louis Pasteur), and did a post-doc at CNR (Rome, Italy). In 2012 she has been awarded as ”Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur” and in 2014 she has been awarded as a senior researchers at Institut Universitaire de France (IUF).  Currently she is chairing iBrain (Imaging & Brain), an Inserm Institute devoted to research in Psychiatry gathering 190 members from 15 different disciplines since 2018. She is coordinating the Unesco chair on Childhood maltreatment since 2022. She is member of the Scientific Council of Inserm, and of the Scientific Council of FRM (Fédération pour la Recherche Médicale). Her research topic is on the consequences of stress, using animal models. She also tries to design new interventions to treat stress-related disorders and to promote resilience.